
Scouting Notes: Jimmy McKinney III at the Quincy Shootout

Vashon sophomore Jimmy McKinney III's evolving game showcases a versatile guard who is comfy playing fast but has room to hone his playmaking in half-court settings.

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Avatar of Matthew Harris
Matthew Harris


2,618 messages 944 likes

I was going to hold off publishing this until tomorrow morning, but V-Side plays tonight and I'm not keen on updating a spreadsheet again. So, you get some late-afternoon content:

Like Scottie Adkinson, there's always a degree of patience necessary when a guy is two years out from committing. Still, it's nice to get an early look at how the son of True Son is performing. All the very first time I met Jimmy III was way back in 2018 when he tagged along with Jimmy Jr. to an open gym where I was watching Cam Fletcher put in some preseason work.

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RockM+ Wizard


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Vashon sophomore Jimmy McKinney III's evolving game showcases a versatile guard who is comfy playing fast but has room to hone his playmaking in half-court settings.


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Avatar of NL_Fan


389 messages 109 likes

Well if he chooses MU it seems like they'll have at least part of a template ready to develop him after working with Ant. He looks very good for his age. Also young enough that it's not impossible to grow at that age.

Hopefully MU's early work pays off.

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Avatar of Matthew Harris
Matthew Harris


2,618 messages 944 likes

I'm 6-foot-1 and can look Jimmy III in the eye. So any reports of him being 6-2 or 6-3 are a tad inflated. By comparison, I look up a little bit at Adkinson. The good news: both have frames that are already solid. Obviously could use some more core strength, but that feels like it'll come with time. Definitely different than Rowe, who needs a training table -- badly.

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